20 May 2017

Minutes: 15th May 2017





Councillors:                                         Nic Brown (NB), John Lewis (JL), Julia Witcher (JW), Martin Hearmon (MH), Paul Bown (PAB), Michael Edmonds (ME ), Michael Hawkett

Parish Clerk:                                       Helen Spurgeon

Responsible Finance Officer:      Robert Parkes (RP)

Parishioners:                                      There were 2 Parishioners


There were no interests declared. 


Nic Brown elected Chairman.

2.        APOLOGIES

John Howard (JH)


John Lewis elected Vice Chairman.


Signed by Nic Brown, Chairman.


Michael Heybrook to continue as Footpaths Officer.

PB & JL: Village Hall Representatives.

ME: Parochial Church Council Representative.

Clerk: responsible for reviewing insurance policy and for regular monitoring of location and use of assets. ACTION: NB to advise Clerk.

JH: Currently dealing with a number of transport projects.

It was decided not to assign any further areas of responsibility to specific Councillors but to continue to do this on a project basis that has clear boundaries.

PB requested for 2018 to have a separate Agenda to cover the AGM items and then a standard Parish Council meeting Agenda to follow.


Margaret Moreby asked the Parish Council to confirm who the Village Hall representative is. ME is the ongoing representative but for the rebuild project it is JL and PB.


Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by Chairman, Nic Brown.


·         Bank Mandate forms. These have now been submitted.

·         Trees in Village. There is no list of public owned trees in Chearsley. ACTION: ME to identify on a map trees the Parish Council are responsible for.

·         War Memorial repair and conservation. ACTION: Clerk and JL to complete War Memorials Trust Grant Application form.

·         Signage for Village Green. The first ‘No Parking’ sign is to be removed. ACTION: MH.

·         Bus Shelters. New bus stop signs have been ordered. ACTION: NB to make payment. Wooden benches and flooring in bus shelters are to be replaced. ACTION: MH to instruct Jon Parry to carry out work over the summer holidays. MH has put a screw in the plywood in the bus shelter roof to hold it together. ACTION: JW to double check inside of bus shelter roof. ACTION: NB to contact Jay in the shop to see if he is able to replace the bin outside the shop.

·         Communication. ACTION: JW to set up Chearsley PC Facebook page by June meeting.

·         Kerbing. The kerbing work in Dark Lane is due to start on Monday 22nd May 2017.

·         Approach Roads to Chearsley. The Councillors have had the report from the meeting with Transport for Bucks on 2nd May and now have the support of the newly elected Councillor (Clive Harriss). JH/NB still need to do more work regarding involvement of Thames Water (contact with Dave Smith/Anna Coles).

·         Feasibility Study. Initial meeting with Trevor Bonsor (24th March) - report circulated to PC members. TfB have already implemented speed tests on Aylesbury and Crendon Road. Initial proposals are due in next few weeks.

·         LAF Funding. We have been advised that the cost of the Feasibility Study is not now eligible for 2017/18 LAF Funding because work commenced during March. It is hoped that we will be able to apply for support for some of the new traffic calming measures recommended in the Feasibility Study (under the heading of ‘implementation’). JH will try and arrange this following further discussions with Trevor Bonsor/Korinne Leney and resubmit our application by the deadline of 1st June and will keep PC posted on the detail of options available before submitting the final application, which will need to be finalised before the next PC meeting.

·         Defibrillator. This is to go in the bus shelter but an electricity supply to the bus shelter is needed. ACTION: NB to send Paul Oliver electrical report to JL. ACTION: JL to follow up with Paul Oliver or appropriate electrical contractor.

·         Pruning of horse chestnut tree. South Bucks Tree Surgeons have quoted £980+VAT to carry out the work. It was agreed to go ahead.

·         CHUF parking. NB spoke to Hannah Eames to request parents do not park on grass verges.

8.       PLANNING

·         16/03565/APP – 2-4 Winchendon Rd, Chearsley HP18 0DP

The amended plans are a reduction in the number of dwellings from 7 to 5. The PC had No Objections to the first application but requested certain conditions in the planning consent. ACTION: NB to review plans and previous PC comments and submit a response for the Clerk to comment by 17th May.

·         A discussion took place as to whether on future planning applications the PC should record whether the decision to support or oppose an application is unanimous or a majority decision. ACTION: PB to send a proposal on this topic to the Clerk for discussion at the next meeting.

·         17/01679/ALB – The Old Farmhouse, The Green, Chearsley HP18 0DJ

Replacement of six windows. This is a new application with comments requested by 14th June. ACTION: Clerk to check on planning portal whether the conservation office have been involved.


There was no correspondence outside the Agenda items.


To note our new BCC councillor is Clive Harriss.


a.       Orders for Payment – cheques were issued to BALC for our membership renewal and MH’s Councillor Induction Training, to MP Printers (Chearsley AVM leaflet) and for the Clerk’s salary.

b.      Audit 2016/17 - Jacqui Porteous was appointed as Internal Auditor and her report has been received. There were 2 main points to note. Firstly, Venetia Davies will continue to help the PC on a consultancy basis as required, rather than as an employee. Secondly, the PC has not reclaimed for any VAT. This is an annual job which should take around 2-3 hours to complete. ACTION: RP to send Jacqui Porteous a copy of the invoices and instruct her to reclaim the VAT. ACTION: PB to obtain VAT number from Jon Parry. ACTION: JL to contact Jacqui Porteous to obtain a quote for reclaiming the VAT on a yearly basis going forward. The deadline for the Annual Return is 30th June 2017, this is almost complete and will be sent off shortly.

c.       Finance Report - May 2017 – noted and approved. The report included information on the PC moving to electronic banking payments:

“Discussions have taken place with Lloyds over the possibility of the Parish Council moving to electronic payments in the future.  This is a viable option, only if the PC is prepared to allow one single person to make electronic payments. If the Council chooses to follow this route, it is proposed that the RFO be the delegated ‘payer’ on behalf of the Council, but that electronic payments be made ONLY against invoices or other documents authorised by a different authorised signatory, to ensure that all payments are made under the ‘four-eyes’ principle and are, in effect, authorised by two appropriate signatories.”

The PC agreed to go ahead with electronic banking.

d.      Approval of expenditure of Village Hall funds – payment was agreed to be made to the Village Hall. ACTION: JL to let RP know exact payee.

e.      Creation of a new bank account to manage Village Hall funds – this was agreed. ACTION: RP to open a sub-account specifically to receive stage payment from AVDC, and pay them onto the village hall committee.

f.        To propose a donation to the Village Hall fund under Section 137 – for 2017/18 this is limited to £7.57 per elector with 433 electors in Chearsley. This is something the PC may consider if budget allows.


There were none.


Councillors agreed it was an excellent, well attended meeting and had received positive feedback from parishioners. Thanks to JH for all his hard work. Going forward the PC would like to see more attendance at the monthly meetings.

·         Parking at the end of Bernards Close will be included in the feasibility study.


·         Code of Conduct and Standing Orders were reviewed, no changes required.

·         Equalities Policy – approved and adopted.

·         Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment– ACTION: RP to review by the next meeting.


Thanks were paid to Mike for repairing the gates. JH is arranging a meeting with Mike to discuss issues raised in the report.


ACTION: NB to discuss with shop operators and report back at next meeting.


ACTION: NB to circulate proposed design. Other designs will also be investigated.


NB has spent time with Cuddington and Ashendon PCs. It was suggested that a representative from each of the PCs get together quarterly to discuss issues. ACTION: Clerk to agenda for discussion at next meeting.


The PC needs to press on with the procurement of railings and litter bins for by the bus stop. It was decided to delay the purchase of bollards for the Village Green until after the TfB feasibility study as this may help decide what the best solution is. The initial meeting for the feasibility study has indicated that restoring a more ‘olde worlde’ ambiance in villages encourages drivers to slow down.


A Parishioner asked whether Graham would be trimming the hedges by the public footpaths again this year. The PC confirmed this would be happening. ACTION: Clerk to check website for dates of BCC grass cuts.


There were none.

22.   DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING in Chearsley Village Hall

·         Monday 19th June 2017 at 7.30pm

10 May 2017

Agenda: CPC meeting 15th May 2017 AGM




Monday 15th May 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Councillors are summoned to attend.


Declarations of Interest, in accordance with Sections 30(3) and 235(2) of the Localism Act 2011 Councillors to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interests pertaining to the Agenda.

Parishioners Question Time will take place after Item 5.

1.     Election of Chairman

2.     Apologies for Absence

3.     Election of Vice Chairman

4.     Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Chairman

5.     Representatives of Committees/Working Groups

6.     Approval of Minutes – Monday 20th March 2017

7.     Matters Arising from previous Minutes

8.     Planning

·         16/03565/APP – 2-4 Winchendon Rd, Chearsley HP18 0DP

Amended plans. Removal of existing dwellings and residential redevelopment to create 5 x 2 bed dwellings and 1 x 3 bed dwelling and 1 x 4bed dwelling and revised access.

Case Officer: Abigail Chapman.  Comment Date: 17th May 2017

9.     Correspondence, any outside Agenda items

10.   Contributions from AVDC and BCC Cllrs

11.   Finance

a.     Orders for Payment

·         BALC membership renewal - £76.69

·         MP Printers - £40.00 (Chearsley AVM leaflet)

b.     Audit 2016/17,

·         To note appointment of Jacqui Porteous, Internal Auditor and deadline of Annual Return as 30th June 2017

·         Approval of accounting statements and annual governance statement.

c.     Finance Report – May 2017 (RP)

d.     Approval of expenditure of Village Hall funds (JL)

e.     Creation of a new bank account to manage Village Hall funds (JL)

f.      To propose a donation to the Village Hall fund under Section 137 (NB)

12.   Reports from Councillors attending meetings and outside organisations

13.   To formally review the Annual Village Meeting

·         To discuss parking at the end of Bernards Close

14.   PC Governance

·         To review Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

·         To approve the Equalities Policy

·         To discuss Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment

15.   Mike Heybrook’s Footpaths Report – to discuss

16.   Nominating an Asset of Community Value – Chearsley Stores

17.   Suggested flag for Chearsley (NB)

18.   Working with other PCs (NB)

19.   Street furniture for Village Green (NB)

20.   Parishioners Question Time – 15 minutes will be set aside to receive representations from members of the public.

21.   Items for Information

22.   Date and Time of Next Meeting in Chearsley Village Hall

·         Monday 19th June at 7.30pm

The Minutes and Agenda of the Parish Council can also be viewed at chearsley.blogspot.co.uk

Helen Spurgeon (Clerk)

3 May 2017

Minutes: AVM 24th April 2017



Draft Minutes of Annual Village Meeting held in the Village Hall

Monday 24th April 2017 at 7.30pm

Chairman: Nic Brown, Councillors: John Lewis, John Howard, Paul Bown, Julia Witcher, Martin Hearmon, Clerk: Helen Spurgeon. Attendance: 82 Villagers

Nic Brown, Chairman of Chearsley Parish Council, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.       Apologies

Michael Edmonds, Ken Birkby.

2.       Report from the Parish Council

·         Nic Brown introduced the members of the Parish Council, including Martin Hearmon as a new Councillor, Helen Spurgeon as the new Clerk and Robert Parkes as the new Financial Officer.

·         John Howard explained the role of the Parish Council in looking after the village.

·         John Howard listed the achievements of 2016/17. Improvements to the village included the new village notice board, new flagpole, ‘no parking’ signs around the green, refurbishment of the bus shelters, tree pruning, improvements to the War Memorial area. Planning for the future included surveys of HGV traffic through the village and a feasibility study for traffic calming measures.

·         The plans for 2017/18 were presented by John Howard. Planned improvements to the village include new traffic calming measures, kerbing work, refurbishment of the War Memorial, new railings and litter bins by bus shelters, installation of a defibrillator, removal of the telephone kiosk, bollards to protect the Village Green, power source to Village Green. Planning for the future includes lobbying for repairs to village approach roads and for restrictions on HGVs through the village, looking at speeding through the village and availability of parking spaces.

·         John Lewis explained how the Parish Council is funded and its decision to increase the Precept in order to carry out much needed improvements to the village. Spending figures for this year and next year were outlined.

·         Villagers were then invited by Nic Brown to ask any questions. The lack of rubbish collections from the full litter bins by the bus stops was questioned. ACTION: Clerk to contact AVDC. The poor condition of the shop front was raised, NB is in dialogue with the shop owner about this. Parking at the end of Bernards Close leading to poor visibility was raised. ACTION: to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting. A concern was raised over emergency vehicle access to Dark Lane. NB expressed concerns over the infrastructure of the village roads in the coming years. A villager suggested a leaflet could be produced outlining village projects so that people can be more involved. NB encouraged everyone to attend Parish Council meetings. It was suggested that Parish Council meetings could be held on different nights, rather than always a Monday, to increase attendance.

3.       Village Hall update

Antonia Stratford, Chair of the Village Hall Committee, reported on the New Village Hall. Work is due to start in July with a planned completion date of March 2018. Antonia explained what had been done to date and the various committees that have been set up to manage the project. The new hall will be bigger than the current one at 264m2, it will have 2 rooms with a partition that can be opened for functions. The total cost of the project is £568,723. To date £506,335 has been secured through donations, grants and village fundraising. This leaves a shortfall of approx. £60,000 which is hoped will come from grants, the community and match funding from the Vickers and Heybrooks. On 8th July there will be a closing event at the hall ‘Meadowsong’ and an auction of hall equipment. A villager asked if there were any plans to improve the play park. It will be closed during the build and there are no plans to improve it but this could be a future project. Antonia put out a request for volunteers to run a bar and bbq at Meadowsong. Don’t forget Aylesbury Vale Lottery and easyfundraising to raise funds for the Village Hall.

4.       The Bell

Sharon gave an overview of the many events that run at the village pub including Bingo Night, Quiz Night, Coffee and Cakes, Lunch Club, Higher or Lower, Bonus Ball, Meat Raffle. Themed events include Easter Egg Hunts, Summer Parties, Halloween. The Bell supports the Village Fete hosting a band and providing food. It is a big part of the local community.

5.       Chearsley Cricket Club

Terry Gadsby, the secretary, provided us with an update on the Cricket Club. An appeal was made for more senior players. Junior coaching has started and is very well attended. New ‘state of the art’ practice nets have been installed and look great. Several social events have already been organised and don’t forget the Cricket Club makes a great venue for hire.

6.       Classic and Vintage Fun Day

This is organised for Sunday 10th September and promises to be a big event with 80+ vehicles already registered, a hurricane flypast confirmed and live music booked. The event hopes to raise £5k+ for the Cricket Club. Andy Yorke appealed for volunteers to help run the event.

7.       Chearsley and Haddenham Under Fives Pre-School (Chuf)

Hannah Eames from the voluntary management committee gave an update on Chuf. Over 100 children attend in Chearsley and Haddenham. Haddenham is full, Chearsley was struggling for numbers but is now doing well. There are 17 employees, 4 of whom live in the village and Hannah would like to thank all the staff for the work they do. Chuf are looking forward to moving to the new Village Hall next year and would like to thank the Cricket Club who will be housing them during the build. On May 21st Chuf will be holding a summer party and bbq in Chearsley. Chuf are looking for new committee members if anyone is interested and you don’t need to have children at the pre-school.

8.       Chearsley Flower Festival

This will take place in the Church from 30th June to 2nd July. It will help raise funds for the Church which is running at a loss. Joy Payne, Church Warden, appealed for volunteers to make cakes, serve teas and help with flower arranging.

9.       Chearsley Village Fete

This will take place on 24th June. There will be a mixture of stalls including cakes, bbq, bric-a-brac, WI, children’s. This year the money raised will be going to the Village Hall and will be match funded by the Vickers and Heybrooks. Angela Gray appealed for volunteers to help and for donations of prizes.

10.   Sue Jones, PCSO

Sue reported that crime rates are very low with the main crimes being thefts from cars, car thefts and shed thefts. Changes have been made within the policing structure. Waddesdon will lose one of its Police Officers but there will be no risk to PCSO’s.

11.   St Nicholas Church

Reverend Richard Phillips explained that the Church is here to serve everyone in the village and that the village also serves the Church too. Everyone is welcome to join activities such as the choir and bell ringing. The Church would like to do more to serve children and older people and work has already begun with local schools. Reverend Phillips’ contact details are available on the website.

12.   The WI

Anne Lee reported that the WI currently has 16 members and meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Village Hall. It is about education, friendship and learning. Speakers come in, outings take place and there are singing and craft groups. Non-members are welcome, the next meeting is on May 16th at 2pm. There will be a WI cake stall at the village fete.

13.   Supporting your village

As the meeting drew to a close, Nic Brown suggested ways to support Chearsley including attending village events, supporting local businesses, volunteering, looking after the neighbourhood. Thanks were given to Margaret Morbey for the work she does on the Chearsley News and the village website, an excellent source of information. Villagers were encouraged to subscribe to the Chearsley News via the website.

Nic Brown thanked all for attending and contributing to the meeting. The meeting ended at 9.40pm.

14.   A written report from Mike Heybrook, Footpaths Officer:

This AGM I have nothing to report except that there has been vandalism to the self-closing gates on Footpath No. 9. By the farm track and the railway, the latches have been bent back, perhaps by kicking, so that they didn't self-close unfailingly. I managed to repair one by welding. The gates are expensive and, apparently, now my responsibility.

If people want to misuse them, they may be replaced with just a style to everyone's detriment.

Otherwise I have not come across any obstructed footpaths within the parish. All seems well.

Date and Time of Next Parish Council Meeting in Chearsley Village Hall:

·         Monday 15th May 2017 at 7.30pm